Philippine Studies Network

Aotearoa New Zealand

The Philippine Studies Network
Aotearoa New Zealand
(PH Studies Network NZ) is an independent initiative by Filipino researchers, who aspire to form an open community of scholars, creatives, and practitioners with interest in deepening understanding of and engagement with the Filipinos and the Philippines
within the context of New Zealand.

Latest Updates 

The second offering of Pag(m)ulat: Philippine Studies Series and the network's first activity for 2025, is finally here! Engaging Filipino artist Mark Salvatus @mark_salvatus work titled Souvenirs (2013), SIGHTING THE CITY, CITING OURSELVES is a walking tour of selected public art in Auckland Central that aims to explore the themes of identity and mobility, inviting a reflection on how we situate ourselves in a city defined and enriched by varied movements, exchanges and connections. Click MORE for details

This inaugural colloquium will examine the perspectives and positionality of Filipino researchers, exploring howtheir unique cultural experiences and identities can inform research methodologies and frameworks. The two presentations will delve into the significance of Filipino concepts such as loob (inner self), kapwa (shared/fellow self), and katibayan (evidence) in shaping research approaches. Click MORE for details

Multi-disciplinary in nature, the Network's Inaugural Forum aims to engage stakeholders in promoting Philippine Studies as an important research field especially within the context of New Zealand's relations with broader Asia. Featuring two panel discussions with speakers from the civil society, government, industry, and academia, the forum also serves as one of the Network’s platforms for promoting critical dialogue on issues surrounding Filipino communities in New Zealand and Philippines-New Zealand relations. Invited speakers have extensive research and professional experiences in migration, education, climate change, and sustainable communities, among others. Click MORE for details